DGUV Information 214-911e - Safe operations of helicopters during aerial work

Abschnitt 6.2 - 6.2 Luggage and internal cargo

Luggage and other internal cargo must be secured in the cabin in such a way that the crew members and other passengers cannot be endangered or injured during normal flight operation or an emergency landing.

For this the following measures or prerequisites are necessary, for example:

  • Cargo or luggage is only to be transported with a helicopter, if it is really necessary.

  • Every object that is taken or transported in the cabin of a helicopter must be sufficiently secured against slipping or unintentional movements.

  • The permissible load capacity (surface pressure) of the load compartment floor may not be exceeded.

  • When stowing luggage under the seats, this must be fastened with appropriate equipment.

  • The function of seats may not be influenced by the stowing of luggage under the seats.

  • Flaps of luggage compartments must be able to close properly.

  • The access to emergency exits or emergency equipment may not be impeded by luggage or internal cargo at any time.

  • A renewed check of the safety of the cargo may be necessary during the flight.

  • Necessary cargo-specific fixation points in the helicopter and appropriate lashing materials are available.

  • The location of the cargo's centre of gravity permits a transport with the helicopter.

The calculation of the lashing forces or the necessary lashing materials has to be carried out on the basis of the relevant demands of the "Aircraft Flight Manual" (AFM) in this respect.

If internal cargo goods can only be transported with the doors open, the open doors are to be secured or removed. Flying with open doors is only permitted if this is described and approved in the flight manual.