DGUV Information 213-705e - Recommendations of the German Social Accident Insurance Institutions for a chemical safety assessment ("EGU") in accordance with the Hazardous Substances Ordinance Flour dust in bakeries

Abschnitt 4 - 4 Working procedures

These recommendations describe working procedures in which flour dust formation may occur; particularly including:

  • Dough mixing and kneading,

  • Applying of release flour during the handling of dough,

  • Cleaning.

The "Arbeits-Sicherheits-Information" (Work Safety Information) 8.80 5) deals with the prevention of bakers asthma and describes procedures in bakeries in order to reduce the risk of getting bakers asthma and rhinitis to a minimum.

The protective measures required for this purpose are specified in part as so called basic protective measures. They have to be applied in consideration of the local conditions of a specific bakery. These basic protective measures should be applied to reduce the inhalation exposure to flour dust/sensitizing substances in accordance with the technical rule for hazardous substance 406 (TRGS 406) 6). They take into account also microbiological, chemical and physical influences and those of the work organization and the structural design of the bakery.

ASI 8.80 - Vermeidung von Bäckerasthma (avoidance of bakers asthma; bakeries - efficient and safe management; sectoral guide for good work organization), 2014 edition

TRGS 406 - Sensibilisierende Stoffe für Atemwege (Technical rule for hazardous substances - Substances with a sensitizing effect upon the respiratory tract), June 2008 edition