DGUV Information 214-911e - Safe operations of helicopters during aerial work

Abschnitt 6.7 - 6.7 Measuring flights

Measuring flights are helicopter assignments, where air or water samples are recorded or measurements, e.g. on transmitting power or seismology, are carried out.

Additional equipment

For taking samples or carrying out measurements, for example:

  • air sample measuring devices,

  • water sample extraction devices,

  • transmission and receiving systems and

  • measuring probes

can be used.

Flight operation

Before the execution of the assignment, within the framework of a briefing, the employer has to inform the employees about potential hazards in connection with the work task (e.g. the existence of hazardous substances) and is to take suitable assignment-specific measures. Special activities (such as taking samples while using respiratory protection) must be described in written operating instructions.

If taking the sample or the measurement can only be carried out with the door open, the helicopter must be suitable for this (manufacturer's release).

Further measures to minimise hazards can result from the risk assessment.