DGUV Information 209-071e - Safe maintenance of hydraulic systems

Abschnitt 4.1 - 4 Working on hydraulic components
4.1 General

When working on different hydraulic components, numerous safety-relevant aspects have to be considered by the maintenance technician. Sections 5 and 6 deal with the particularities for certain machines and systems, and those for the mobile hydraulic system.

Basically, only spare parts approved by the manufacturer should be replaced or installed.

It is imperative to observe provisions and notices of the manufacturer regarding special knowledge or training of the maintenance technician.

The hydraulic system has to be protected against contaminations introduced from the outside as far as possible. Flushing provisions specified by the manufacturer have to be observed. Spare parts to be installed have to be free of contaminations.

All parts installed by the maintenance technician have to be selected in accordance with the operating pressures and hydraulic fluids.

Due to the partially relatively large masses or the installation position and the position of the center of gravity of hydraulic components, suitable lifting gear and lifting accessories must be provided for disassembly and assembly and for transportation.

If it is possible to confuse line connections, these have to be marked clearly by the maintenance technician before being disconnected.

It is imperative to observe the provisions of the manufacturer regarding commissioning after completed maintenance works.