DGUV Information 213-705e - Recommendations of the German Social Accident Insurance Institutions for a chemical safety assessment ("EGU") in accordance with the Hazardous Substances Ordinance Flour dust in bakeries

Abschnitt 6.1 - 6 Exposure to flour dust
6.1 Exposure measurements

A total of 109 personal sampling measurements of the inhalable fraction were performed between 2009 and 2014 in the production areas of 81 bakeries (mostly craft-bakeries). In accordance with the technical rule for hazardous substances 402 (TRGS 402) 9), the measurements were performed over an entire shift, primarily in dough areas, where dough mixing, shaping and dusting took place. These tasks are those in which the highest exposures to flour dust are expected.

The basic measures relevant to flour dust in accordance with the Work Safety Information 8.80 were implemented in all the companies concerned.

TRGS 402 (Technical rule for hazardous substances - Identification and assessment of hazards associated with tasks involving hazardous substances: inhalative exposure), February 2010 edition