DGUV Grundsatz 300-003 e - DGUV Test Rules of Procedure for Testing and Certification Part 1: Certification of Products, Processes and Quality Management Systems

Abschnitt 3.2 - 3.2 Product Certification

Certification shall take place on the basis of certification criteria. Insofar as the certification criteria for the relevant product are compiled within a certification programme, as a matter of principle such criteria shall be used for certification purposes.

Following assessment of the products according to the certification criteria and following a positive decision, the Testing and Certification Body shall issue a certificate (e.g. GS Certificate, EC or EU Type Testing Certificate, DGUV Test Certificate, EuroTest Certificate, Type Testing Certificate), in which compliance of the type with the relevant requirements is confirmed in accordance with the application submitted. The Applicant shall receive a copy of the certificate.

A negative decision on certification shall be notified to the Applicant with specification of the relevant reasons.

Before conferring a GS Mark on the Applicant for the first time the DGUV Test Testing and Certification Body shall conduct an initial inspection of the plant unless the most recent monitoring of the manufacturing premises of the same production site and line took place less than 12 months ago. An initial inspection of the plant may be conducted when a DGUV Test Mark is conferred.

If a certificate is issued, the Certificate Holder shall

  • always satisfy all certification requirements including the implementation of corresponding modifications that are notified by the Certification Body,

  • if the certification relates to an ongoing production, shall ensure that the product continues to meet the product requirements,

  • take all necessary precautions that enable testing and monitoring to be conducted including examination of the documents and records, access to the sites and areas, to personnel and subcontractors

  • take necessary precautions for the investigation of complaints and for the participation of observers.

The DGUV Test Testing and Certification Body shall be informed promptly at least in text form about planned modifications to be made to the manufacturing of the products in relation to the type examined. This also applies where components from an origin different from the previous origin are to be installed. The DGUV Test Testing and Certification Body shall decide - if necessary based on subsequent testing for which a fee is payable - whether the certificate will remain valid. The costs for the subsequent testing shall be borne by the Applicant. The costs shall be determined by the Fee Schedule in force at the time of testing.

In addition, the Certificate Holder shall inform the DGUV Test Testing and Certification Body about relocation of the manufacturing premises or transfer of the manufacturing premises to a different company/proprietor of the company. Insofar as inspection of the new manufacturing premises by the DGUV Test Testing and Certification Body becomes necessary where there is a change in the manufacturing premises, such an inspection shall be made possible by the Applicant. The relevant costs shall be borne by the Applicant.

The Certificate Holder shall record all complaints, whether raised by third parties or resulting from his own observations, that concern health and safety in relation to manufactured products. The Certificate Holder shall immediately take suitable measures to rectify the situation and shall document them. Records shall be retained at least until the date on which the certificate expires. The aforementioned records shall be sent promptly to the DGUV Testing and Certification Body.

The Certificate Holder shall inform the DGUV Test Testing and Certification Body at least in text form about changes that could impair its ability to satisfy the certification requirements. Such changes are, in particular:

  • change in the name

  • change in the address or contact address

  • change in the legal form

  • change of proprietor

  • closing down of business

  • insolvency

Likewise, should the Certificate Holder establish that it no longer satisfies the certification requirements, it shall inform the Testing and Certification Body without undue delay.