DGUV Information 214-911e - Safe operations of helicopters during aerial work

Abschnitt 3.9 - 3.9 Communication

In the case of helicopter assignments communication is necessary between the flying personnel, the assignment personnel on the ground (Marshallers) and possibly additional persons involved. Insufficient or unclear communication can lead to hazards to persons and property.

Wrongly interpreted words or hand signs can immediately trigger an accident or cause damage to property. Clear communication is often impeded by external or personal influences. These can be noise, disorganised work procedures or poor lighting conditions. But inappropriate or uncoordinated choice of words also contributes to problems in communication.

The following rules are to be observed:

  • Instructions are given by radio, marshalling signals or over the intercom.

  • Commands for marshalling count as instructions.

  • Hand signs may only be given by instructed and clearly identifiable persons (high visible clothes, coloured protective helmets), whereby the Marshaller must have constant eye contact with the controlling pilot.

  • All flight manoeuvres of the immediate operation are carried out on the basis of instructions from the ground or on board.

  • The commands are to be referred to the longitudinal axis of the helicopter.

  • If there is no perfect communication, the flight manoeuvre must be interrupted.

  • A clear stipulation and standardisation of signs, words and terms must be made.

  • Radio discipline must be strictly enforced.