DGUV Information 209-071e - Safe maintenance of hydraulic systems

Abschnitt 8 - 8 First Aid

The first aid measures at the accident site are often decisive for the following course of the healing procedure of an injury or even for saving the employee. In accordance with the DGUV Regulation 1, the required number of trained first aiders have to be present in any case. The training is conducted by authorities approved by the German Social Accident Insurance Institutions. Furthermore, the employees have to be trained regarding the behavior in case of accidents at least once a year.

In order to provide first aid as quickly and immediately as possible, the "reporting chain" has to be specified in a clear manner.

  • Who calls for help?

  • Where can help be called from (location telephone, reporting authority)?

  • Which help is called (first aider, corporate reporting authority, public rescue service)?

This is particularly problematic and thus important for maintenance works situated at a larger distance to other work places.

In case of an accident, an emergency call to the corporate emergency authority or the rescue coordination center (for accidents in Germany -> call 112) has to be implemented as follows:

Where did it happen?

What happened?

How many injured persons/victims?

Which type of injuries/illnesses?

Wait for queries!

Working alone should be avoided in any case.

In areas where implementing first aid measures is not possible or only possible to limited extent, provisions for rescuing possibly injured persons have to be ensured.

Places equipped with first aid kits or flushing devices have to be known and marked.

The hazards occurring especially when handling hydraulic fluids, as well as the corresponding first aid measures are:

Table Measures in case of accidents with hydraulic fluid

Subcutaneous intrusion (injection) of hydraulic fluids under high pressureConsult doctor immediately; very important: inform doctor about course of accident (oil injection), otherwise small wounds could be overlooked or treated improperly!
Hydraulic fluid in the eyesFlush eyes at least 15 minutes with mild water (eye flushing device or clean water), contact doctor.
Swallowed hydraulic fluidsDo not provoke vomiting,
consult doctor immediately.
Burns due to hot hydraulic fluidCover wound in sterile manner (i.e. with aseptic, non-adhesive dressing or material for burns); minor burns (hand and/or forearm can be cooled before with mild water at least for 10 minutes; contact doctor.

The rescue service/emergency doctor has to be informed immediately on the type of hydraulic fluid.

The current safety data sheet or the operating instructions have to be held ready.