DGUV Information 209-071e - Safe maintenance of hydraulic systems

Abschnitt 1.1 - 1 Maintenance of machines, systems, and vehicle attachments with hydraulic equipment
1.1 General

For all works on hydraulic systems and equipment, the information given by the machine or system manufacturer regarding knowledge and qualification, as well as commissioning and maintenance procedures have to be observed.

Spare parts have to meet the specifications of the machine manufacturer. This means that all parts to be installed have to be selected especially in accordance with the maximum operating pressures and suited for the hydraulic fluid used in the system.

Hazard warnings and safety measures, among others from the safety data sheet of the hydraulic fluid used, have to be incorporated and implemented into the operating instructions (see section 2.1).

Remodeling machines and systems can constitute a substantial modification in the meaning of the German Product Safety Act, at which additional safety requirements and further measures may have to be taken into account. Thus, the manufacturer should be contacted before any remodeling works.

Remodeling a machine may require a new assessment of conformity.