DGUV Information 209-071e - Safe maintenance of hydraulic systems

Abschnitt 5.4 - 5.4 Working on hydraulic scissors lifts

Industrial and mobile hydraulic scissors lifts, lifting tables, and lifting platforms are equipped with maintenance supports. When conducting work on the hydraulic system that cannot be carried out with the platform lowered completely, the maintenance support (see figure 29) has to be used. From the engineering point of view this support is designed in a way that it is able to accept all weight forces of the parts in a safe manner and in doing so is secured against slipping. This is to prevent improvised measures, e. g. with squared timbers or the like.

When installing and removing the maintenance support it has to be ensured that the elevated work platform is held safely by hydraulic means or with appropriate load-carrying equipment.


Fig. 29
Installed maintenance support on hydraulic scissors lift