DGUV Grundsatz 300-003 e - DGUV Test Rules of Procedure for Testing and Certification Part 1: Certification of Products, Processes and Quality Management Systems

Abschnitt 3.6 - 3.6 Validity of Certificates

Duration of the Certificate

Unless otherwise prescribed by law, the validity of certificates is limited to a maximum of five years; for QM certificates to a maximum of three years. Instead of a limitation in time, the certificate may be limited to a particular production quota or production lot.

The certificate shall become invalid

  1. a.

    after expiration of the certificate’s validity,

  2. b.

    after termination of the testing and certification contract,

  3. c.

    after termination of the contract for control measures unless the contract is aimed at the control of personal protective equipment and the Certificate Holder proves within the notice period that a contract for control measures was concluded with a different body appointed, after the contract ended, or

  4. d.

    after revocation of the certificate by the Testing and Certification Body.

Revocation of the Certificate

The certificate may be revoked, especially if

  1. a.

    the Certificate Holder fails to comply or no longer complies with the obligations under the present Rules of Procedure and/or under the contract concluded with the DGUV Test Testing and Certification Body,

  2. b.

    the Certificate Holder or its representatives have misled or attempted to deceive the DGUV Test Testing and Certification Body,

  3. c.

    misleading or otherwise unlawful advertising is made, especially using the test mark or the certificate, or if the mark or the certificate is misused, or if legal requirements are not met in the marketing of a product,

  4. d.

    the health and safety requirements have changed, taking into account the transitional periods, unless Re-Testing (entailing costs) has determined that the product meets the changed requirements,

  5. e.

    the product does not conform to the type tested,

  6. f.

    defects are subsequently detected in the products that were not found during testing and that have not been remedied by the specified deadline despite a written demand issued by the DGUV Test Testing and certification body, or if other facts become known that would have precluded the issuance of a certificate,

  7. g.

    the legal basis for certification of a product no longer exists,

  8. h.

    the certified product proves to be plagiarism,

  9. i.

    the requirements for QM Systems based on the auditing have changed, taking into account the transitional periods, unless a post-audit (entailing costs) has determined that the system meets the changed requirements,

  10. j.

    the certificate for a QM System is used for operating areas for which it was not issued,

  11. k.

    deviations in the QM System are subsequently detected that were not found during the audit, or other facts become known that preclude the issuance of a certificate,

  12. l.

    a harmonized standard is withdrawn and the resolutions of the national and European coordination groups of the notified and/or appointed bodies that closed the gap in standards are not fulfilled by the product.

The original certificate must be returned to the DGUV Test Testing and Certification Body.

Suspension or Limitation of the Certificate

Instead of revocation, the DGUV Test Testing and Certification Body may suspend a certificate. The DGUV Test Testing and Certification Body may also suspend the certificate in order to verify whether revocation thereof is justified on the basis of existing evidence. The Certificate Holder may not use the certificate for the duration of the suspension and, insofar as prescribed by a legal provision, may not put the product on the market.

If a test mark was conferred with the certificate, the product may not be labeled with the test mark during the suspension. Products of the relevant type that are in storage may no longer be put on the market either.

After a final decision has been made, the DGUV Test Testing and Certification Body shall notify the Certificate Holder in writing as to whether the suspension will be lifted - possibly subject to certain conditions - or whether the certificate will be definitively revoked.

Instead of revoking a certificate, the DGUV Test Testing and Certification Body may limit its scope.

The DGUV Test Testing and Certification Body is authorized to publish the suspension, the restriction/limitation or revocation of a certificate.