DGUV Information 209-090e - Activities relating to Magnesium

Abschnitt 7 - 7 Operating instructions

Operating instructions are addressed by the employer to the employees. The operating instructions govern the behavior at the factory premises to avoid accident and health hazards. They serve as a basis for instruction; see § 4 (1) of DGUV Regulation 1 "Principles of Prevention".

Operating instructions must be drawn up taking into account, among other things, the operating instructions supplied by the manufacturers. This applies especially for the use of:

  • machinery for the machining and processing of magnesium

  • machinery for melting and casting magnesium

  • melting, holding and pouring furnaces for magnesium

In general, operating instructions should provide material-related information, taking into account the following aspects:

  • work area, workplace, activity

  • hazards to both humans and the environment

  • protective measures and rules of behaviour

  • behavior in case of danger

  • first aid

  • proper disposal

(See § 14 of the Hazardous Substances Ordinance and Technical Rules for Hazardous Substances "Operating Instructions and Instruction according to § 20 GefStoffV" (TRGS 555)).

Besides information specific to magnesium, other safety-related information has to be included in addition, especially with regard to

  • commissioning,

  • cleaning, maintenance and servicing,

  • the behavior in case of faults and tests


  • the behaviour in case of magnesium fires.

Operating instructions have to be drawn up in a comprehensible form and language so that they can be understood and followed by the employees. This can, for example, mean that operating instructions have to be written in the native language of the employees.

The operating instructions have to be made public in the factory. They can, for example, be published by a notice (notice board) in the factory or by issuing them to the employees.

The employees have to observe the operating instructions.

See also DGUV regulation 1 "Principles of prevention".

Annex II includes templates/examples of operating instructions.