DGUV Information 207-006e - Floor coverings for wet barefoot areas

Abschnitt 4 - 4 Tested floor coverings

The board of trustees "Slip-resistant floor coverings - NB list" regularly publishes-lists assigning tested floor coverings for wet barefoot areas to the established assessment groups. Manufacturers must apply for the inclusion of their tested floor coverings in the list.

Applications for inclusion in the list are to be submitted to:

Kuratorium "Rutschhemmende Bodenbeläge - Liste NB"

c/o Säurefliesner-Vereinigung e. V.

Postfach 12 54

D-30928 Burgwedel

Please note that when using the NB list, the test results are applicable only to the tested sample.

It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to guarantee product consistency.

The floor coverings are tested by accredited institutions such as the following:

  • Institut für Wand- und Bodenbeläge Säurefliesner-Vereinigung e. V., Großburgwedel (Institute for Wall and Floor Coverings), Germany

  • IFA Institut für Arbeitsschutz der DGUV, Sankt Augustin (IFA Institute for Occupational Health and Safety of the German Social Accident Insurance), Germany.