DGUV Information 209-071e - Safe maintenance of hydraulic systems

Safe maintenance of hydraulic systems
(DGUV Information 209-071)


Deutsche Gesetzliche

Stand der Vorschrift: Ausgabe Juni 2019

Disclaimer and Legal notice
Preliminary remark
Maintenance of machines, systems, and vehicle attachments with hydraulic equipment1
Qualification of maintenance technicians1.2
Hazards when working on hydraulic systems1.3
Electrical hazards1.4
Planning the works1.5
Handling hydraulic fluid2
Skin protection2.1
Leaking hydraulic fluid2.2
Searching for leakages2.3
Replacing the hydraulic fluid2.4
Working on hydraulic components4
Hose assemblies4.3
Hydraulic cylinders4.4
Pumps and hydraulic motors4.5
Valve blocks4.6
Accumulator systems4.7
Working on machines and systems5
Working on machine tools5.2
Working on hydraulic presses5.3
Working on hydraulic scissors lifts5.4
Working on the mobile hydraulic system6
Working on industrial trucks6.2
Working on hydraulically driven vehicle attachments and superstructures and vehicle cranes 6.3
Working on earth-moving equipment and other automotive machines6.4
Working on water vehicles6.5
Required tests7
Checking for proper installation and safe function7.2
Checking for safe provision and use7.3
Legal bases for the tests7.4
First Aid8
Annex 1
A Troubleshooting
B Notices on maintenance
C Scope of visual inspection
D Scope of testing of functional test
E Scope of testing of safe provision and use
F Involvement of staff members
Provisions, Rules and ReferencesAnnex 2
1. Laws, provisions and technical rules
2. Regulations, Rules, and Information for safety and health at work
3. Standards
4. Other specifications
5. References

Disclaimer and Legal notice

The German Social Accident Insurance "Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung" (DGUV) and the Expert Committee Woodworking and Metalworking "Fachbereich Holz und Metall" (FBHM) and the translator make no express or implied warranty with regard to the safe maintenance procedures and rules or efficiency for any particular purpose.

The safe maintenance procedures and rules are made available solely on an "as is good practice" basis, and the entire risk as to their safety, efficiency and to the environmental protection is with the user. Should the safe maintenance procedures or rules prove defective, the user (and not the DGUV or the FBHM or the translator or any other party) shall bear the entire cost of all necessary corrections, repair or all incidental or consequential damages.

The DGUV or the FBHM or the translator shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the use of this safety information on hydraulic maintenance and its rules.

The committee of experts FBHM is composed of representatives of the German institutions for statutory accident insurance and prevention (Berufsgenossenschaften), federal authorities, social partners, manufacturers and users and subdivided into subcommittees.

The DGUV Information 209-071 is based on experience gathered by the FBHM and its subcommittee in the field of hydraulic equipment of machinery and plants. It should help to specify the safe maintenance procedures of hydraulic equipment that are used in machinery and plants, and that are included in the scope of the European Machinery Directive. The particular provisions for different applications (e .g. in the mining industry or similar) have to be considered.

The present document DGUV Information 209-071 "Safe maintenance of hydraulic systems" is the English translation of the German DGUV Information 209-070 "Sicherheit bei der Hydraulik-Instandhaltung", edition Juni 2019, and it replaces the former English edition DGUV Information 209-071 of March 2015. The provisions according to individual national laws and decrees in other countries remain unaffected by this translation of the German information DGUV Information 209-070. The requirements of the individual national legal rules and of manufacturers instructions (including manuals) apply without reservation. In order to get detailed information it is necessary to read the relevant wording of the national rules and instructions.

Preliminary remark

Since 1950, more and more hydraulic components have been produced as modular elements and used in systems or machines to meet widely varying requirements.

The particular advantage of hydraulic systems is their high energy density, i. e. small components can be used to generate high outputs.

At the beginning, hydraulic control elements were exclusively operated manually. In the course of the technical development, the combination with electric or electronic parts has been promoted increasingly. Today, for example, automated production systems consist of numerous linked, complex assemblies.

The possible applications of hydraulic systems are very diverse. They range from the micro area via machine and systems engineering up to the aerospace industry.

In the field of hydraulics energy is transferred via a hydraulic fluid that is used to generate movements or forces. In general mechanical engineering, pressures up to 350 bar and in special cases, e. g. for static forming technology, pressures up to 5,000 bar are used.

This information addresses persons who plan and carry out maintenance work on machines and systems with hydraulic equipment.

As maintenance procedures on machines often require the intervention in areas that are not accessible during normal system operation, this work requires the implementation of special protective measures (see also DGUV Information 209-015 "Instandhaltung - sicher und praxisgerecht durchführen", Maintenace work - safe and practice-oriented execution).

This information mentions descriptions of hazards and measures for preventing them and gives advice for implementing maintenance work on hydraulic equipment in a safe manner. This information provides support for identifying and assessing risks and deriving suitable measures in accordance with German general technical rules for operating safety TRBS 1112 "Instandhaltung" (Maintenance) with regard to the specific hazards in maintaining hydraulics. This information describes measures that must be taken into account when carrying out maintenance work on machines and plants with hydraulic equipment. Apart from the description of planning and carrying out maintenance work, this information also deals with troubleshooting and re-commissioning after repairs were carried out.