DGUV Information 213-013e - SF6-Switchgear and Equipment

Abschnitt 3.8 - 3.8 Documenting the risk assessment pursuant to GefStoffV

The risk assessment must be documented and must contain at least the following information:

  1. 1.

    date and time of the risk assessment and persons performing or involved in it,

  2. 2.

    work area and activities dealing with hazardous substances,

  3. 3.

    risks occurring at the workplace involving inhalation, dermal or physical-chemical exposure,

  4. 4.

    frequency of the activities, duration of exposure as well as additional stress factors relevant to an increased human intake of hazardous substances,

  5. 5.

    the technical, organizational and personnel-related measures required for eliminating or reducing the hazards, including the effectiveness of the technical measures taken,

  6. 6.

    results of an evaluation of the potential for substitution of hazardous substances.

The latest documentation must be retained until the risk assessment is updated.

Refer also to the German "Risk assessment for activities involving hazardous substances" (Gefährdungsbeurteilung für Tätigkeiten mit Gefahrstoffen, TRGS 400, No. 8).

Appendix 1 contains examples for documenting the risk assessment according to the German Hazardous Substances Ordinance (GefStoffV), including

  • Filling and refilling of SF6gas compartments as well as the recovery of non-contaminated SF6,

  • Work in SF6gas compartments that could possibly contain SF6decomposition products,

  • Clearing up of malfunctions associated with SF6switchgear involving a gas leakage.