DGUV Information 213-705e - Recommendations of the German Social Accident Insurance Institutions for a chemical safety assessment ("EGU") in accordance with the Hazardous Substances Ordinance Flour dust in bakeries

Abschnitt 7.7 - 7.7 Dough handling

7.7.1 Manual dough handling

Low-dust release agents must be used during manual handling of the dough. Owing to its high dust development, starch is not recommended as a release agent.

Flour may be used as a release agent only in the following manner:

  • Carefully applying and rubbing down,

  • Carefully applying with a sieve,

  • Carefully applying with a roller suitable for food.

Do not apply hand throwing of flour.

7.7.2 Mechanical dough handling

The raising of dust must also be reduced to a minimum when dough is handled by machines.

Mechanical dough handling is possible by any of the following:

  • Use of low-dust release agents,

  • Use of automatic flour sprinklers dispensing flour in the right quantity,

  • Use of suitable systems of dust extraction.

When spraying release oil, it must be avoided that the aerosol enters the respiratory tract.