DGUV Information 213-705e - Recommendations of the German Social Accident Insurance Institutions for a chemical safety assessment ("EGU") in accordance with the Hazardous Substances Ordinance Flour dust in bakeries

Recommendations of the German Social Accident Insurance Institutions for a chemical safety assessment ("EGU") in accordance with the Hazardous Substances Ordinance Flour dust in bakeries
(DGUV Information 213-705)


Deutsche Gesetzliche

Stand der Vorschrift: Dezember 2017

Preliminary remarks

The so called "Empfehlungen Gefährdungsermittlung der Unfallversicherungsträger nach der Gefahrstoffverordnung" (Recommendations of the German Social Accident Insurance Institutions for a chemical safety assessment in accordance with the Hazardous Substances Ordinance) are elaborated by:

  • The German "Unfallversicherungsträger" (Social Accident Insurance Institutions),

  • The "Institut für Arbeitsschutz der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung" (Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance),

  • The "Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin" (Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health),

  • And where applicable, further test bodies, for example those of the German regional authorities.

"Empfehlungen Gefährdungsermittlung der Unfallversicherungsträger nach der Gefahrstoffverordnung" (EGU) have the purpose of helping companies in conducting the parts of the risk assessment that deal with tasks involving hazardous substances. They form part of the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) body of rules and regulations and are listed as "DGUV Information" under order number 213-701 ff.

The EGU "Flour dust in bakeries" were developed by the "Berufsgenossenschaft Nahrungsmittel und Gastgewerbe" (German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the foodstuffs and catering industry) in Mannheim and the leading industrial medical inspector of the Saarland.

Redaktionelle InhaltsübersichtAbschnitt
Scope of application2
Flour dust3.1
Release agents3.2
Low-dust release agents3.3
Functional ingredients3.5
Working procedures4
Hazardous substances5
Exposure to flour dust6
Exposure measurements6.1
Results and interpretation6.2
Protective measures7
Storage, handling and addition of flour7.1
Silo feeding7.2
Removal of flour from the silo7.3
Removal of flour from sacks7.4
Removal from the flour scale7.5
Dough production7.6
Dough handling7.7
Proofing carrier for pieces of dough7.8
Recommendations for the prevention of other hazards7.9
Information on application8
Operating instruction (German and Turkish)Annex 1
LiteratureAnnex 2