DGUV Information 207-006e - Floor coverings for wet barefoot areas

Abschnitt 3.3 - 3.3 Cleaning and maintenance

Cleaning and maintenance have a decisive impact on slip resistance. However, a distinction is made between the final building site clean-up carried out at the end of the building phase and prior to the beginning of service and the routine cleaning work performed over the entire service life of the flooring.

The physical characteristics of the floor covering, in particular its anti-slip properties, must not be impaired by the cleaning agents or floor cleaning machines used. The cleaning instructions provided by the manufacturer of the product (with respect to floor coverings or cleaning agents) are to be observed.

3.3.1 Final building site clean-up

Following installation and finishing, the flooring must be cleaned to remove the debris and dirt that accumulated during building (for example, cement residues).

The anti-slip properties of the flooring must not be impaired during cleaning.

3.3.2 Routine cleaning

The items below are to be observed while performing routine cleaning during operations:

  • A cleaning and maintenance plan suitable for the type of floor covering must be drawn up before the flooring is put into service.

  • Appropriate cleaning products, disinfectants and care products that do not impair the anti-slip properties of the flooring must be used.

  • The development of a film from cleaning products, disinfectants and care products must be prevented.

  • Non-abrasive machines for cleaning large floor areas, preferably devices with scrubbing brushes, are to be used.

  • The cleaning work must be performed as specified in the cleaning and maintenance plan and according to good professional practice. Cleaning, disinfecting and maintenance work are to be inspected regularly.

More information can be found in the lists/guidelines published by the DGfdB:

  • DGfdB Working document A 41 (RK list) "List of tested cleaning agents for ceramic tiling and cladding in swimming pools"

  • DGfdB Working document A42 (RE list) "List of tested cleaning agents for pool basins and stainless steel components in swimming pools"

  • DGfdB Guideline R 94.04 "Cleaning, disinfecting and hygiene for swimming pools"