DGUV Information 207-006e - Floor coverings for wet barefoot areas

Abschnitt 3.2 - 3.2 Planning and installation

When installing new flooring, it is important to choose an appropriate floor covering as specified in Section 3.1. In addition, the following procedure is recommended for the inspection and maintenance of the anti-slip properties of the floor:

  • Reserve samples at least 2 m2 in size should be retained for later inspections.

  • Zero measurements should be performed for each floor covering.

  • The first control measurement should be performed for each floor covering following the building site clean-up and before the flooring is first put into service.

  • If necessary, additional control measurements should be performed to ensure that changes in the anti-slip properties can be identified at a later point in time.

The installation of slip-resistant flooring is not sufficient by itself to prevent accidents. For this reason, the following additional requirements are to be observed:

  • Structural measures should be implemented to ensure that water does not accumulate in traffic areas as far as this is possible. One possible solution would be to install a floor with a sufficient gradient and a sufficient number of floor drains (→ for more detailed information see, for example, Code of Practice R 25.07 of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für das Badewesen e. V. (DGfdB) "Gradients in floor coverings of swimming pools". The flooring of pool surrounds should have a gradient of at least 2 % and that in shower areas 3 %).

  • According to Annex 1.5, Paragraph 2, of the Ordinance on Workplaces (Arbeitsstättenverordnung, ArbStättV), the floors in the rooms must not have any uneven-areas, holes, tripping points or dangerous slopes. Floor coverings must be securely installed to prevent any movement, they must be load-bearing, safe to walk on and slip resistant.

  • A tripping point is defined as an uneven area of floor with a difference in height of 4 mm and above.

  • Covers for overflow and drainage channels must be flush with the floor.

  • Variances in the height of grout joints are to be kept within acceptable levels (see Code of Practice "Height differences - Height differences in cladding and flooring made of ceramic, cast and dimension stone" of the German Construction Federation (Zentralverband Deutsches Baugewerbe)).

  • No sharp edges; the edges of cut tiles are to be deburred or chamfered.

  • The front edge of each stair is to be rounded (rounded nosings, for example shaped bricks). Additionally, the front edges of stairs leading into the water are to be clearly distinguishable by their colour.

To facilitate cleaning, level and profiled flooring may be installed along walls up to a distance of about 15 cm from the walls, in corners and under furnishings and components firmly anchored to the floor.