DGUV Information 207-006e - Floor coverings for wet barefoot areas

Abschnitt 6.4 - 6.4 Applications

  1. 1.

    Planning stage

  2. 2.

    Manufacturing of the floor covering (delivery and installation)

  3. 3.

    Reference measurement for the installed and grouted floor covering prior to building site clean-up

  4. 4.

    Building site clean-up

  5. 5.

    First control measurement after building site clean-up

  6. 6.

    Beginning of the service life of the floor covering - final handover to the pool operator (pool owner)

  7. 7.

    Later control measurements to identify changes to the surface of the flooring as well as check the effectiveness of the cleaning and maintenance plan (monitoring of effectiveness)

Fig. 1
Individual steps for monitoring and preventive control of changes to the surface of floor coverings

6.4.1 Newly installed floor coverings

Reference measurements should be performed for newly installed floor coverings prior to the building site clean-up. The first control measurement should be performed after the building site clean-up in order to identify possible changes to the surface (see Fig. 1).

Additional control measurements are carried out at regular intervals to analyse the anti-slip properties over the service life (monitoring).

Further measures are to be considered if the determined values deviate by more than 10 %.

6.4.2 Evaluation of floor coverings already in use

If reference measurement values are not available, the following procedure is recommended:

  • Comparative data should be collected for the floor in use and a reserve sample

  • Comparative data should be collected for high traffic areas and low traffic areas of the floor in us

The comparative data must be collected under the same testing conditions.

6.4.3 Testing pre- and post-treatment

If any of the following measures are to be taken, comparative data for the flooring should be collected before the beginning and after completion of the measures to determine their effectiveness:

  • Monitoring and optimising cleaning procedures

  • Chemical treatment of the floor covering such as acid treatments

  • Mechanical treatment of the floor covering such as sanding, blasting, etc.

  • Application of a coating/seal

The data are to be collected at the same sites and under the same testing conditions.