DGUV Information 209-071e - Safe maintenance of hydraulic systems

Abschnitt 5.3 - 5.3 Working on hydraulic presses

In accordance with the European Machinery Directive presses are classified as particularly dangerous machines. Thus, press manufacturers have to equip the machines with comprehensive safety technology. On the basis of this comprehensive safety technology the maintenance technicians for hydraulic systems have to familiarize with the particularities of these machines before starting any maintenance work.

Before starting any maintenance work the drive has to be switched off and an existing turn-off device has to be operated.

When working on hydraulic presses below elevated loads, e. g. upper die, the device has to be brought into the protection position against retraction of the slide at first. Normally, such devices are installed on presses with a bolster plate depth of more than 800 mm and a stroke of more than 500 mm. If the press is not equipped with such a device a support (see figure 28) has to be used that is able to accept the forces present when the drive is switched off.

Notices to the aforementioned can also be found in section 3.6 of chapter 2.3 (Presses in metal processing) of the DGUV Regel 100-500 and 100-501 "Betreiben von Arbeitsmitteln" (Operating work equipment).


Fig. 28
Slide support on a hydraulic press