DGUV Information 209-090e - Activities relating to Magnesium

Annex 3 - Cleaning and maintenance schedules

Cleaning schedule taken from DGUV Information 209-024

Company:Cleaning scheduleNo.:
Work area:
Machine no.:
Cleaning of pollution and accumulations inside the machine tool
1.Purpose:Cleaning inside the machine (metal dust and oil deposits) according to the maintenance and cleaning intervals.
2.Application:For machine tools operated with minimum quantity lubrication.
2.1Slightly polluted systems:Execution with an interruption in production (end of shift).
2.1.1Cleaning agent:Cloth or brush
2.1.2Execution:a)Remove chip accumulations and swarf on horizontal surfaces and projecting parts.
b)Remove moist residues and deposits on the inner walls of the machine and have the chip conveyor carry them away.
c)Check extraction point of the machine. Clean chip screens (prevent clogging).
2.2Medium-to-heavy pollution of systems:Execution with an interruption in production.
2.2.1Cleaning agent:Cleaning with low pressure devices (pressure: 3 to 7.5 bar).
2.2.2Execution:Clean off deposits on surface of machine interior with water jet and lance. Possibly add a cleaning emulsion to improve cleaning and add corrosion protection (read supplier information).
2.3Heavily polluted systems (stubborn soiling, caking):Execution with an interruption in production.
2.3.1Cleaning agent:Jet cleaning with dry ice
2.3.2Execution:Use compressed air to shoot frozen CO2 pellets the size of rice grains onto the surface to be cleaned. Dislodge the brittled layer of pollution from the surface. Remove the pollution with the chip conveyor.
-Very noisy; wear ear protection.
-Work only with protective clothing/protective suit.
-Do no work in small, poorly ventilated spaces: Danger of CO2 accumulation!