DGUV Information 214-911e - Safe operations of helicopters during aerial work

Abschnitt 7 - 7 References

The following references are indicated in the chapters and annexes mentioned here:

Chapter 1(EU) No 965/2012Commission Regulation
Chapter 2.1(EU) No 965/2012, Article 2, (7)

EASA ED Decision 2014/018/R, Annex VIII, Part-SPO, AMC1/GM1 SPO. SPEC.HESLO.100
Definitions Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) to Part-SPO
Chapter 2.2Guideline 2006/42/EC and Ninth Regulation on Product Safety Act (Machinery Regulation - 9th Product Safety Regulation (ProdSV)) Machinery Guideline
Chapter 2.3Guideline 2006/42/EC and Ninth Regulation on Product Safety Act (Machinery Regulation - 9th Product Safety Regulation (ProdSV)) Machinery Guideline
Chapter 2.7EASA CS 27 or 29.865 et seq., EASA CM-CS-005Certification Specifications for Small Rotorcraft, Certification Specifications for Large Rotorcraft, Certification Memorandum PCDS
Chapter 2.8EASA ED Decision 2014/018/R, Annex VIII, Part-SPO, AMC1 SPO.SPEC. HEC.100(c)(1)Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC)
Chapter 3.5EASA ED Decision 2014/018/R, Annex VIII, Part-SPO, AMC1

SPO.SPEC.HEC.100 et seq., e.g.:

On board: (d)(1)(ii) On the ground: (e) Training: (e)(1)(i)
Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC)
Chapter 4.2EASA ED Decision 2014/018/R, Annex VIII, Part-SPO, AMC1/GM1 SPO. SPEC. HESLO.100(c)(3)

EASA ED Decision 2014/018/R, Annex VIII, Part-SPO, AMC1 SPO.SPEC. HEC.100(c)(3)
Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) to Part-SPO
Chapter 4.3.1Guideline 2006/42/EC and Ninth Regulation on Product Safety Act (Machinery Regulation - 9th Product Safety Regulation (ProdSV)) Machinery Guideline
Chapter 4.3.7EASA CS 27 or 29.865 et seq., EASA CM-CS-005Certification Specifications for Small Rotorcraft, Certification Specifications for Large Rotorcraft, Certification Memorandum PCDS
Chapter 6.1.1IATA DGIATA Dangerous Goods Regulations
Chapter 6.3EASA ED Decision 2014/018/R, Annex VIII, Part-SPO, AMC1/GM1 SPO. SPEC. HESLO.100(c)(1)

EASA ED Decision 2014/018/R, Annex VIII, Part-SPO, AMC1/GM1 SPO. SPEC. HESLO.100(c)(2)

EASA ED Decision 2014/018/R, Annex VIII, Part-SPO, AMC1/GM1 SPO. SPEC. HESLO.100(c)(3)

EASA ED Decision 2014/018/R, Annex VIII, Part-SPO, AMC1/GM1 SPO. SPEC. HESLO.100(e)
Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) to Part-SPO
Annex IIIEASA ED Decision 2014/018/R, Annex VIII, Part-SPO, AMC1/GM1 SPO. SPEC. HESLO.100(c)(2)Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) to Part-SPO
Annex VEASA ED Decision 2014/018/R, Annex VIII, Part-SPO, AMC1/GM1 SPO. SPEC. HESLO.100(c)(5)Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) to Part-SPO

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