DGUV Information 213-705e - Recommendations of the German Social Accident Insurance Institutions for a chemical safety assessment ("EGU") in accordance with the Hazardous Substances Ordinance Flour dust in bakeries

Abschnitt 7.9 - 7.9 Recommendations for the prevention of other hazards

7.9.1 Rooms

Areas in which flour dust occurs must be separated from other areas.

Silos and storage areas for flour must be set up in such a manner that:

  • They are well vented and kept cool and dry,

  • The equipment within has sufficient distance to the wall and the floor to make easy cleaning possible.

7.9.2 Cleaning

The floor must be easy to clean.

Machines, tools, equipment and rooms, particularly the floors, must be cleaned by means of suitable cleaning equipment that does not lead to the generation of dust. Suitable cleaning equipment includes:

  • A central dust vacuum system,

  • Suitable vacuum cleaners (with dust class H-filters) with suitable attachments,

  • Wet scrubbers,

  • Manual low-dust cleaning equipment (e.g. scrapers, brooms with short, synthetic bristles).

The use of compressed air for cleaning purposes is not permissible.