DGUV Information 214-911e - Safe operations of helicopters during aerial work

Abschnitt 3.2 - 3.2 Operational organisation of aviation and occupational safety

Depending on the size of the company and taking all relevant factors into account (e.g. varying types of use and locations, the result of the risk assessment) the employer may come to realise that he is unable to meet his obligation to ensure safety in the company on his own. Suitable persons are then necessarily to be used as operational managers.

These must be reliable and qualified persons, who are entrusted with this task in writing.

With their management function they take on the necessary tasks and duties of the employer, whereby the employer's responsibility is not transferred in doing so. As a rule, the operational procedure is divided here into processes and subject areas and the corresponding management functions formulated. The managers deployed are granted an autonomous power to take decisions within the framework of transferred powers and competences.

An appointment can also be limited in time or take place for one or more work assignments. It is important that a seamless distribution of the areas of responsibility and a binding and clear demarcation of competency is always made.

According to the accident prevention regulation "Occupational Physicians and occupational safety specialists" (DGUV Regulation 2) Occupational Physicians and OSH Professionals are to be appointed in writing for the company.

These must advise the employer and his managers in particular in all matters of occupational safety and health protection and humane working conditions.

In doing so, the following should be achieved:

  • the regulations serving occupational safety and health and accident prevention are applied according to the special operating conditions,

  • improvements in occupational safety and health and accident prevention can be implemented,

  • the measures serving occupational safety and health and accident prevention achieve the highest possible degree of efficiency.

Occupational Physicians and OSH Professionals can belong to the company or offer their supervision services externally to the employer.

To organise effective first aid the employer has to make all the necessary facilities and material resources as well as the staff needed for the general operational procedure but also for special work assignments. Within the scope of his duty of care, it is up to him to ensure at all times that trained staff and first aid materials are on site to take optimum primary care of injured persons.

In companies with regularly more than 20 employees, and taking into account the existing accident and health risks for the employees, the employer has to appoint Safety Delegates in writing. The appointment is also appropriate in the event of a smaller number of employees in accordance with the risk and relevant accident situation and/or the work and organisational structure of a company.

The Safety Delegates' tasks include:

  • supporting the respective managers in the execution of measures to prevent accidents at work, occupational illnesses and work-related health hazards

  • ensuring the presence and proper use of the Personal Protective Equipment

  • ensuring the presence of the necessary protection systems

  • drawing the attention of insured individuals to accident and health risks

  • reporting safety-related defects to the superior

  • taking part in site inspections and examinations on accidents and occupational diseases

Safety Delegates in companies do not exercise their duties full-time, but only in addition to their actual role. They do not bear any responsibility regarding this function.

The employer must allocate the Safety Delegate adequate time to exercise his activity according to the operational conditions. In order for the activity to be characterised by sustainability, the employee should be given the opportunity of training and regular further training, e.g. by seminars held by the trade association.

The employer has to designate a suitable Head of Operations so that work assignments can be planned, coordinated and safely executed. His duties in the field of occupational safety and health protection are to be transferred to him in writing. Under certain circumstances the helicopter pilot can also take on this task for the work assignment to be carried out.

If employees from several companies are working in one work place (e.g. on load lifting, depositing or assembly points) and if the activities of one of these companies could affect the employees of another company due to the spatial and temporal proximity, the employers have to collaborate accordingly and coordinate the necessary measures of occupational safety and health protection before the work assignment commences (coordination of work). If it is necessary to avoid a mutual hazard, the Head of Operations should also be named as coordinator, to synchronise the work.

If special risks are present, the coordinator is to be given the power to give instructions. As this can concern instructions to be given to employees of other companies, the power to give instructions should be agreed expediently between the employers in the form of a contract.