DGUV Information 214-911e - Safe operations of helicopters during aerial work

Abschnitt 4.2 - 4.2 Demands on helicopters and their equipment

The helicopters to be deployed must be considered to be airworthy according to current aviation law in the case of operation according to the provisions and relevant operating limitations and maintenance. Proof of this is carried out in the airworthiness certificate, issued by the German Federal Office of Civil Aviation (LBA).

This includes the actual helicopter and all attachments (e.g. primary cargo hooks or rescue hoists), which are certified for aviation purposes by corresponding entries in the airworthiness certificate in connection with the helicopter. At the same time, the interface to other legal areas is also here. Facilities and working materials that are attached e.g. to primary cargo hooks or rescue hoists are, as a rule, subject to other regulations. In this way, it is possible that, as a rule, the configuration "helicopter with additional equipment for the area of operation of external cargo flight" in the construction and equipment sector is subject to two different fields of law.

Interface primary cargo hook
Interface hoist

Helicopters are to be equipped with attachments and/or additional equipment by the employer to carry out aerial work according to the assignment requirements.

Helicopters for external load flights must be equipped with suitable attachments to observe the external load, if a second person does not take over the observation on board. Suitable attachments for observation can be:

  • mirrors

  • camera

  • special inspection windows in the cabin wall, door and/or fuselage

Attachments have to be approved according to aviation law (Supplementary Type Certificate - STC).

For persons, who are transported in the helicopter within the scope of assignments or who carry out work on board the helicopter, seats with suitable safety belts must be available.

Helicopters for transporting internal loads must be equipped with suitable facilities for effective load securing. These must be able to be reached and activated without any danger.

Suitable facilities can be, for example, fixed lashing points or variable lashing rail systems.

If the circumstances of the work task do not make it possible to observe the engine monitoring devices to the necessary extent, it may be necessary to install additional display devices in the pilot's field of vision.