DGUV Information 209-090e - Activities relating to Magnesium

Annex 1 - Checklists for instruction topics for activities relating to magnesium

Activities relating to magnesium

Activities relating to magnesiumComplied withNot complied with
Do the employees know that magnesium can form elementary oxygen and hydrogen on contact with water and that this can provoke an oxyhydrogen reaction with violent explosions?
Has the extreme heat development (hot flame of 3000°C) of a magnesium fire been discussed?
Has the self-ignition potential of magnesium been discussed?
Do the employees know that magnesium in a molten state reacts not only with moisture and atmospheric oxygen, but also with other substances? The contact with rust (Fe2O3), for example, may lead to a thermite reaction with heat generation and subsequent fire.
Has the ban on smoking and open flames been imposed on activities involving magnesium?
Has it been mentioned that only specially trained persons are allowed to handle magnesium?
Has the maintenance personnel been instructed on magnesium?
Have third parties, such as personnel of external companies, visitors, suppliers, interns been instructed on magnesium?
Has a ban on access to magnesium-processing areas been imposed on third parties?
Has the external company‘s personnel been able to present all the necessary documents?
Have the employees been informed about the places where they can learn about the hazards of magnesium?
Have employees been informed on the special contact person for magnesium in the company?
Have the employees been informed on the place where the operating instructions are located?
Do employees know that magnesium particles can adhere to clothing during the deburring, brushing or grinding process of magnesium components? To prevent this, it is recommended to wear protective clothing with a smooth surface (e. g. rubber apron).
Do employees - including the external company personnel - know the hazard they are exposed to when blowing off their work clothes with compressed air? In addition to the oxygen accumulated on the clothing and the adhering Mg dust particles from the processing of magnesium only an ignition source is necessary to trigger the fire. Open fires, hot surfaces and sparking tools can, for example, serve as ignition sources.
Do the employees know that they should also change their work clothes accordingly when changing the work area (e. g. between steel and magnesium processing)?
Do the employees know that they have to follow the washing instructions of the clothing manufacturer if they clean clothing soiled with magnesium.
Do the employees know that synthetic fibre underwear can melt on the skin when exposed to heat and has to be surgically removed at the worst? Do they know the relevant company's clothing requirements?
Are employees aware of the hazards (e. g. environmentally harmful, oxygen displacing or toxic properties) posed by the protective gas?
Do the employees know about the occupational health precautions?

Personal protective equipment

Personal protective equipmentComplied withNot complied with
Do the employees know what kind of personal protective equipment they have to wear?
Has the provision of PPE been agreed upon with external companies and temporary staff?
Are there any differences in the individual areas of magnesium processing and machining with regard to personal protective equipment?
Are the employees familiar with the handling and care of PPE?
Have the employees practiced the correct use and the quick removal and "ejection" of PPE in an emergency when working in the immediate vicinity of the molten magnesium (e. g. working on melting furnaces, furnace platforms)?

Assemblies and machines

Personal protective equipmentComplied withNot complied with
Do the employees know that regular cleaning and maintenance are important and necessary for the proper functioning of the assemblies and extraction systems - especially with regard to the risk of fire and explosion?
Do the employees know the relevant cleaning and maintenance schedules (e. g. for the extraction systems, but also for CNC machining centres, chip presses)?
Do the employees know that cleaning and maintenance work has to be documented in the relevant plans and how it should be done?
Do the employees know that chip accumulations should be avoided during machining with machine tools?
Do employees make sure that they only use regularly inspected assemblies and machinery?

In case of emergency

Personal protective equipmentComplied withNot complied with
Do the employees - including the external company personnel - know that in the event of a fire, magnesium must not be extinguished with water or foam, nitrogen or carbon dioxide extinguishers, as otherwise the fire can be further intensified?
Do the employees/external company personnel know that they best choose powder extinguishers of fire class D as extinguishing agent?
Do the employees - including the external company personnel - know that in an emergency or in special cases cement, dry sand or grey cast iron chips can also be used to cover and thus contain the source of fire?
Are the employees -including the external company personnel - aware of the fact that a magnesium fire can generally be extinguished only by removing oxygen (< 4 % oxygen content)?
Do the employees - including the external company personnel - know the markings/labels of the extinguishers and are they able to distinguish between them?
Do the employees - including the external company personnel - know the locations of the various extinguishers?
Have the employees taken part in an extinguishing exercise of a magnesium fire in order to get to know and assess the behaviour of magnesium? In addition to extinguishing a fire with a powder extinguisher, has there been an extinguishing exercise carried out on a dummy (doll)?
Do the employees know the necessary first aid measures for emergencies?
Do the employees - including the external company personnel - know who to contact in an emergency and how to start the first aid chain?
In the case of large company premises, is ensured that the rescue service is guided directly to the accident site without delay? Is the "guide" known and instructed?

Storage and transport

Personal protective equipmentComplied withNot complied with
Do the employees know that magnesium waste (e. g. chips, sludge, dust, dross) has to be stored separately in suitable containers (dry and protected from moisture)?
Do employees know that closed containers have to offer the possibility of generated hydrogen to escape (e. g. vents)?
Do employees know that large quantities of magnesium should be divided into smaller quantities and stored separately in a dry place (reducing the fire load)?
Do the employees know that the chips produced are to be dried (residual moisture content < 3%) and, if possible, pressed into briquettes?