DGUV Information 207-006e - Floor coverings for wet barefoot areas

Abschnitt 3.1 - 3 Requirements for floor coverings in wet barefoot areas
3.1 Slip resistance

Only floor coverings manufactured specifically for this use are to be installed in wet floor areas with barefoot traffic. DGUV Information 207-006 provides guidance for choosing the appropriate floor covering. It is based on the German national standard test method DIN 51097 "Ramp test". This is the only available method that is suitable for testing all types of flooring.

Specific types of floor areas have been assigned to assessment groups A, B or C depending on the level of slip risk; increasing slip resistance is required from A to C.

For each of the specific areas, the table below specifies the lower limit for the angle of inclination that must be achieved by the various types of flooring during testing according to standard DIN 51097 (see Section 5); the list does not include all types of wet barefoot areas.

Table 1
Classification of specific types of wet barefoot areas into assessment groups

Assessment groupLower limit for the angle of inclinationAreas
A12 °
  • Passage ways and sanitary facilities with barefoot traffic (normally in dry condition)

  • Individual and communal changing and locker rooms

  • Pool floors in non-swimmer areas with a water depth greater than 80 cm in the entire pool area

  • Sauna and relaxation areas (normally in dry condition)

B18 °
  • Passage ways and sanitary facilities with barefoot traffic, if not assigned to A

  • Showers and shower areas

  • Steam baths

  • Areas surrounding disinfectant sprayers

  • Pool surrounds

  • Pool floors in non-swimmer areas with a water depth lower than 80 cm in some areas of the pool

  • Pool floors in the non-swimmer areas of wave pools

  • Movable pool floors

  • Paddling pools

B18 °
  • Ladders and stairs outside of the pool area, if not assigned to C

  • Upper surfaces of diving platforms, diving stands and springboards, if not assigned to C

  • Sauna and relaxation areas, if not assigned to A

C24 °
  • Ladders and stairs leading into the water

  • Stairs ladders and stairs leading to springboards or diving platforms and water slides

  • Surfaces of diving platforms and springboards in areas used only by divers. (The non-slip surfaces of the diving platforms and springboards must extend around the front edge and cover all areas gripped by the hands and toes of the divers)

  • Starting platforms

  • Walk-through pools

  • Kneipp wading pools, wading pools

  • Sloping pool edges

  • Ramps on the pool surround inclined at an angle > 6%

Seating areas intended to accommodate foot traffic such as stands and platforms, which are located in the vicinity of a pool and may become wet from water carried over by users, are to be treated like floor areas.

If barefoot areas are also intended for use with footwear, the areas must additionally comply with the requirements specified in ASR A1.5/1,2.

The "user friendliness" of the floor coverings is not evaluated by the test method described in DIN 51 097 and is therefore to be assessed separately on a case-by-case basis.