DGUV Information 214-911e - Safe operations of helicopters during aerial work

Abschnitt 3.3 - 3.3 Briefings and operating procedures

A briefing is an employer's explanation and instruction relating to the concrete work place or area of responsibility for safety-conscious behaviour of the employees. It must be adapted to the concrete, individual work and activity situation and be oriented to the results of the risk assessment. During working hours employees must be instructed appropriately and, relating to the work task and their own qualification, sufficiently.

The briefing has to take place at least once a year and, in addition, before starting an activity and is to be documented.

If there is a case of personnel leasing, the hiring company is bound to carry out operational or assignment-specific briefing. Other occupational safety and health duties of the supplier as employer, in particular, the general briefing obligation, remain unaffected.

The preparation of concrete operating procedures is also the employer's responsibility.

He/she, in particular, has to prepare concrete instructions and guidelines in uniform form and design for the operation of machinery, dealing with dangerous substances or for special activities. Assignments with helicopters also count as special activities. The employees are to be briefed e.g. on the basis of written operating procedures, about the hazards, the measures of occupational safety and health protection, about possible malfunctions and the existing experiences in using the working material in a comprehensive manner and language.