DGUV Information 214-911e - Safe operations of helicopters during aerial work

Abschnitt 6.6 - 6.6 Inspection flights on overhead power lines and pipelines

Inspection flights are flights during which persons in the interior or the helicopter pilot carry out visual checks or observations with or without observation equipment.

Additional equipment

For the observation the following equipment can be used:

  • infrared cameras

  • video cameras

  • cameras

  • binoculars

  • thermal imaging cameras

Observation equipment can be hand-held or fixed to or in the helicopter, whereby only aviation authority approved equipment may be permanently mounted.

Flight operation

Sufficient visibility conditions, e.g. through opened sliding windows, are to be ensured for the helicopter pilot and observers, oriented on the observation task.

Additional persons in the interior (observers) are to be provided with assignment-specific Personal Protective Equipment (e.g. ear protection) and communications equipment.

Further measures to minimise hazards can result from the risk assessment.